Group 2:  

Data, Evaluation, and Common Measures: "NutriMind Analytics"

Purpose & Summary

Data evaluation, and common measures 

Identify universal/standard scales that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition, mental health, and intersecting programming. The scales would focus on evaluating one of three outcomes: 1) mental health outcomes of nutrition programming, 2) nutrition outcomes of mental health programming, and 3) intersecting mental health and nutrition outcomes of programming that addresses both simultaneously. 

Meeting time: Third Monday of every Month 

1 pm MST 

Join the Zoom meeting here

What we have been doing:

We have established 3 key goals, an action plan, and successfully expanded our network. 

Our goals focus on identifying universal scales to evaluate mental health outcomes in nutrition programs, nutrition outcomes in mental health programs, and intersecting outcomes in programs addressing both areas simultaneously. 

We have compiled research on existing tools and drafted entries for the SF Stress Registry, including "Dietary measures responsive to mental health interventions and reducing stress," with an upcoming entry on "Food Insecurity-related stress." 

We have also drafted a research question for a scoping publication, exploring the relationship between mental health, wellness measures, and nutrition, physical activity, and food security. 

We have successfully expanded our network by connecting with faculty from USF's stress measures department, UNLV's Earn-FS department, and Las Vegas-based mental health organization, Solutions for Change. 

One Year Plan:

Over the next year, our focus will be on completing the entries for the SF Stress Registry, continuing to develop entries for additional toolkits, and planning to finalize and publish the scoping review.

Our goal is to recruit two students from our network institutions to support completion of this work under our guidance. We will continue expanding our network, engaging with more institutions and organizations to support the development of an integrated tool that can be applied in community programs and clinical setting assessments.

Group Leaders: 

Sabina Malik:

Cassandra Nguyen: